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Al'Wan (current)

'Colours' in Arabic.

Taking the lead...

I started this little project in January 2024 just before buying my drawing tablet. In this little phase, I have completely lost hope in all the kinds of art mediums that I've been doing so I stopped trying all together and resumed to colourng like a I used to when I was little to ignore the pain, but little did I know that this phase was where I started healing because it calmed my manic anxiety down, all the while coping with depression still , loneliness and fears, but I found solace in the very thing I enjoyed as a child...

Escaping the painful reality by colouring, because I thought:

'That's all I've ever been "good at" in life.'


I used my own photography or paintings as a background in these colouring artworks;

Can you see me in them?

The happy, peaceful child with all his pains hiding behind him!

But I was now taking control again.

My goal is to make 100 of these into a colouring book in future.


These warm, nostalgic memories of me colouring include my hobby where I used to collect fun stickers when I was little to forget the problems at home, as my Love❤️Letters service professes,

with which I write people sincere letters and buy thoughtful stickers to adorn them with. I was aiming to create a colouring book based on these artworks but I found solace and got busy making real art with my drawing tablet.

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